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Appeals Policy


The Appeals process is relevant to clients who wish to appeal the certification decision made by Certification Oceania.


Clients wishing to appeal must complete a Certification Oceania Appeals form, which will be made available upon request.

Upon receipt of an appeal, Certification Oceania’s General Manager:

  1. acknowledges receipt of the appeal;

  2. on the basis of information contained within the appeal, reviews the client’s audit assessment and findings and verifies the basis and validity of the grounds for the appeal; and

  3. refers the matter to Impartiality Committee’s nominated Appeals representative/s for review and their recommended response.

The decision/outcome in respect of the appeal is made based on the Impartiality Committee’s nominated Appeals representative/s recommendations. Such person/s has/have not been involved in the appeal-related certification activities.

Also, to ensure no conflict of interest in handling the appeal, staff and contractors who have previously provided consultancy to the appellant or have been previously employed by the appellant, shall not be involved in the review or appeal decision until at least two years have lapsed since their consultancy or employment.

Certification Oceania shall give formal notice of the final outcome to the appellant.


Last updated: 26 October 2021

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